Sunday, January 16, 2022

3.5e Homebrew Items


*Diving Suit

This is an articulated suit of armor which contains a high-pressure oxygen tank and can be pressurized to maintain one atmosphere of pressure for the wearer. Normal movement is extremely difficult in this suit, but it has the advantage of protecting the wearer from hostile environments, particularly the depths of the ocean. While wearing this suit, a character can always breathe normally and takes no damage from water pressure. If the diving suit is punctured, for example by a piercing or slashing weapon which does damage through the suit, then its pressure-resistant properties are lost.

A diving suit costs 2,750 gp, has an armor bonus of +7, a max dexterity of +1, an armor check penalty of -10, an arcane spell failure chance of 75%, a speed of 20 (for a character whose base land speed is 30) or 15 (for a character whose base land speed is 20), and weighs 150 lbs.

==Wondrous Items==

*Baggie of Holding

Baggies of Holding, sometimes called Bags of Holding Type 0 and -1, act as normal bags of holding, but are even smaller and cheaper.

Bag Bag Weight Contents Weight Limit Contents Volume Limit Market Price

Lesser Baggie of Holding 2 20 2 250

Greater Baggie of Holding 7 90 10 1000

*Helm Of Opposite Alignment, Greater

As Helm of Opposite Alignment, but functions 10 times before running out of charges, and save DC is 17.

Strong transmutation; CL 12th; Craft Wondrous Item, creator must be 12th level; Price 50,000 gp; Weight 3 lb.

*Questmaster's Box

This ornately-decorated 12"x7"x4" wooden box is frequently used by guildmasters to send items to random places, so that low-ranking guild members may be tested by requiring them to find the item.

The front of the box has two buttons and a dial. The buttons are labeled "Send Object" and "Retrieve Locating Stone"; the dial is labeled "Radius" and may be set to 5 feet, 50 feet, 500 feet, 1 mile, 10 miles, 100 miles, and 1000 miles. If the box is closed and "Retrieve Locating Stone" button is pressed, the locating stone (a non-magical and otherwise uninteresting pebble) appears inside the box. If the box is closed and "Send Object" is pressed, anything inside the box is sent to a random location within the dial-specified radius of the locating stone. The locating stone can be sent away by the box like any object. If the locating stone is destroyed, the box keys off the last known location of the locating stone, before it was destroyed, and creates a new locating stone if "Retrieve Locating Stone" is pressed.

Moderate conjuration; CL 10th; Craft Wondrous Item, locate object, teleport; price 1500 gp; weight 5 lb.

*Restraining Bolt

This item comes in two parts. The main part is a coin-sized disc that can be affixed to the outer shell of a seaforged or warforged with a touch attack. The other part is a remote control, a short metal wand.

The bearer of the remote control may issue orders to the affected seaforged, who is compelled as if under the effects of a suggestion spell. The save DC to resist this compulsion is 18.

Moderate enchantment; CL 10th; Craft Wondrous Item; suggestion; price 11,000.

==Universal Items==

*Goblet of True Mind Switching

If this jeweled silver cup is filled with any liquid, and two creatures drink from it in succession, the minds of the two creatures are swapped, as with a True Mind Switch power. Neither individual loses a level. This ability functions once per week. If one of the bodies later dies, that body's current occupant dies, and the other immediately loses one level.

Strong telepathy; ML 17th; Craft Universal Item, True Mind Switch; Price 200,000 gp.

==Warforged Components==

*Swim Bladder and Propeller (Embedded Component)

This warforged component takes the form of an air-filled sac which can be expanded or contracted at will and a propeller or set of propellers which allow you to move underwater as if you were naturally aquatic.

This component grants you a swim speed equal to your land speed. Because of this, you gain +8 to Swim checks to perform some special action or avoid a hazard. You can always choose to take 10 on a Swim check, even if distracted or endangered. And you can use the run action while swimming, provided you swim in a straight line. You still do not need to breathe.

Moderate transmutation, CL 7th, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, swim (Spell Compendium), price 10,000gp, weight 10 lb.

*Rustproof Coating (Attached Component)

You have been equipped with a special coating that makes your armor more resistant to rust.

You gain +4 to saving throws vs all spells with the water descriptor and all spells or effects which rust metal, such as rusting grasp or the touch of a rust monster.

Moreover, you suffer no rust-related ill effects from prolonged exposure to water or moisture.

Faint abjuration, CL 3rd, Craft Magic Arms and Armor, resistance, price 2,000gp, weight 1 lb.

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